Sunday, August 18, 2013

He comes in quietly

My oldest son Jackson had a very big life decision today...

Today, my sweet boy was baptized.

You see Chief and I decided that we would never "force" salvation on our children.
That we wanted them to be perfectly clear on what exactly it is. 
Why we chose it and what a big step it is.

That it's not just a prayer.

It's not a quick fix, "look now I'm angelic" type of deal.

It's a big, serious, life changing decision.

It's also beautiful and wonderful, if you fully do give your heart over to the One who gave His life.

Oh that line alone makes my eyes burn with tears of gratitude.

Me? He gave His life...for ME?

For US?

That sacrifice is THE most amazing gift.

So when Jax told me a year and a half ago at age 7 that he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart, my first reaction was "Honey, I really think you need to wait til your older and understand this decision" and those eyes...those beautiful blue eyes looked right at me and said "Mom..I'm ready NOW, I know Jesus is my Savior and I want Him to live in my heart"...

  but Jesus said,  
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14

the conviction in that little soul stopped me in my tracks, made me realize 
I couldn't put an age on when he was ready. Who am I to dictate and know when his time of knowing was? Isn't that why God gave us free will in the first place? 

Right then and there he prayed.
 Sincerely and sweetly for Christ to live in his heart.

What a beautiful experience to witness.

So here we are a year and a half later...a year and a half older and a year and a half wiser.
 Our Pastor announced the baptism at the river that we do every summer.

And after much pondering, and a lot of discussions and praying about his anxiety of people "watching", or of feeling like he was gonna "get the answers wrong"

(and to be honest if "Mama Bear" had her way 
a private baptism where he would've have to "face his fear")

Jax (just this morning!) told us he wanted to be baptized.

and just as quietly as he came into this world, 
he came up into his new life. 

Not loud and boisterous like his mama.

But with a peace and a calmness that is the essence of who God made him to be. 

 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

Romans 6:4

lowercase letters

1 comment:

  1. this is so sweet. be still my heart! we too have decided that our kids can get baptized when they understand what it is and want to make that choice themselves!

